How to Protect Your Most Important Resources - Your Time

Uncategorized Mar 13, 2020


This week let’s talk about the No.1 thing you must protect in order to be productive. Oh ya, your time. We all have 24 hours a day. Time is our most important resource. Without time, nothing matters. So in order to make more time for those things that matter to you, you must protect your most important resources. Your time!

Here are 2 ways to protect your time. First, is the toughest of all. Say “NO” more often. Sometimes, I struggle with this as well. Most of the time, we’re people pleaser…. We say “YES” to almost all the requests from everyone. Ranging from the workplace till the family. We tend to divide our time to everyone except ourselves. If you always say “YES”, you are constantly accessible to others. One quote from Micheal Hyatt really strikes me hard “Giving everyone access to you actually reduces accessibility for the people who need you most”. It is so so true. If you spend the time always...

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The Secret to 3x Your Productivity

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2020


When people ask me for the secret of my fast productivity on whatever I do, my answer is always the same. FOCUS. Pay your 100% attention to the only one thing in front of you until you finish it. This is my habit of making this happen. Once I decide to do it, I will take baby steps every single day, slowly turning the idea into reality. That is my superpower.

I trained myself to pay 100% attention to the one thing in front of me until I finish the task. That’s non-negotiable. I communicate with those people around me before I start my task. Let them know that this is the time you want to work on it. If it’s not an emergency and life-threatening situation, please inform me later till I am out of my room.

This doesn’t only mean your distraction is only people. Your handphone is a big potential distraction for you too. Put your phone in silent mode is important to make sure you focus on whatever you’re doing. If you use your desktop or laptop to...

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How to deepen your connection with others Part 2

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2020


When it comes to deepening your relationship with others, you must master the art of communication. How to interact with others, What factors you need to take note, and how to give the correct response. In our conversation, 55% of our communication is by our body language, 38% is by how we say it, our tonality and only 7% is the words we use.

First, use your eyes to observe their body language when they illustrate their point of view. Our body speaks more than our words. As a body language expert, I learn how to observe the body language and micro expression of the person talking. This is a crucial skill you can master to help you to be more observant. When we know the body language of others, we can understand their real feeling and connect better with them.

Second, use your ear to listen to the tonality and message they try to deliver. Most of the time, the tonality can tell us how exactly they feel about the words that they just said. Are they mean what they say? If...

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How to deepen your connection with others Part 1

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2020


Your quality of life is directly influenced by the quality of your relationship with others. In our everyday life, we’re surrounded by all types of people. From our family members, our colleagues, customers, suppliers, friends, and significant others. Our relationship with them definitely can influence our emotions and quality of life.

The No.1 thing you must do to have a great relationship with them is genuine when you are communicating with them. This means you are connecting with them with your genuine heart. You truly mean what you say. When you smile, give them a genuine smile. A genuine smile is from your heart, is a real smile. If you give them a fake smile, they can sense it very fast.

Then, you must pay 100% undivided attention to the person in front of you when you are communicating with them—not scrolling your Facebook, Instagram, social media. You’re giving your 100% attention to what they’re saying. When you’re talking with...

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3 C's that a partner MUST HAVE

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2020


Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you’re in a relationship now or the future, this episode is for you. I will be going to share with you the 3 Cs that your partner must-have. For me, a guy must fulfill my eight C’s in order to be my partner. Today, I’m sharing with you the 3 Cs.

Let’s start. The first C is Confident. He or she must be someone that has high confidence. He or she must have the ability to figure things out. There are definitely a lot of challenges along the journey, it’s very important to have this confidence level to embrace any challenges or problems. When you have challenges, this person will be the one beside you to solve the situation together. If he or she is not confident enough, he or she will definitely avoid the challenges and wanting others to be the problem solver.

The second C is caring. We all want a caring partner. A partner that cares and loves us unconditionally.  When you’re happy, he or she will be...

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How to be a Creative Genius

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2020


This episode is about creativity, how to be a creative genius, how to get your content creative flow? Before that, last week I share with you how to make more time to work on your goals. Not yet watched the episode, please go to watch it. It is super awesome!

Let’s dig in. Step No. 1 is surrounded yourself with some creative friends! This group of friends definitely can inspire you to get lots and lots of ideas into what you’re creating. Have some great discussions with them. They can give you some valuable feedback, insights, or even resources that can make your creative genius start working!

Step No.2: Be more observant! Look around your surroundings. Anything around you may strike some ideas to create what you want. For example Any slogans, signboards, design, color combinations, labels, etc.. When you start to open your eyes to be more observant, you begin to see endless ideas that can spark your creative genius!

Step No. 3, remember: creativity...

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Use This Method to Make Time to Work On Your Goals

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2020


While you’re excited to start your year, the reality kick in. After the year-end holidays, now you start to go back to your workplace. Have you started working on your goals?

You might say “I don’t have time”, “I am busy”, “I need to take care of my kids and my family”, “my full-time job is taking up my time”. Yes, I hear you. We all have other commitments or obligations to take care of while we’re heading towards our dreams. It’s common. If the above sentences are what you normally said. It also means that the goals that you set not yet your priority.

That’s the key. You will make time out to work on your goals if you make it your priority. Remember, you commit yourself that you want to make your goal come true. That’s why you’re here to make it happen.

How? You can make time out of your busy schedule. Trust me, we can work it out. First, check on your own time spend on your...

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How to Kill Your Procrastination

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2020


Let’s discover what the definition of the word procrastination is. It looks so ugly, and most of the time, people don’t like this word but still can’t resist it. By definition: Procrastination means to put off doing something until a future time, especially to postpone such actions habitually.

I understand that you don’t like to procrastinate; this does not feel good at all. Just you can’t help yourself sometimes. Let me help you. Before you give up working on the new year goals that you set, let us find ways to kill your procrastination.

A lot of times, the big goals you have early of the year scare you off. You feel overwhelmed by all the big goals and tasks in front of you. This is what you can do, instead of viewing your goal as one big chunk of mission impossible. Divide and break up your goal into smaller, actionable tasks. Add one or two of the small tasks in your daily action plan to complete it one by one. For example: if your...

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3 Questions that can bring you closer to your goal

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2020


Now we enter the second week of New Year. Last week, I shared with you what is the most important thing to do in a New Year. This small little habit that makes a big difference in my life, at least the recent six years.

Now, it is time to roll up your sleeves and do some real work. I want you to pull out a piece of paper or your journal, take a pen, whatever color you choose. Now, write down this question on the paper: What are the skills that I must equip myself to achieve my goals this year? Then, brainstorm and write down your answers below the question. For example: if your goal this year is to provide an excellent presentation in front of your audience. The skills you must equip yourself are: how to deliver an impressive presentation, how to engage with the audience, how to better deliver your key message to the audience, and how you can have fun during the presentation. This is an example. Now, it is your turn to write them down.

Then, the next question that you...

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Kick Start Your 2020 With This

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2020


Happy New Year! Yeah! We’re in the year 2020! I’m so excited to start this year! Let’s make this year the best year ever together!

The No.1 thing I do in a brand new year is visualization. Visualize myself in this new year. What do I see, hear, and feel about myself in this new year? When we can visualize, we can achieve it. Because we imagine and visualize, although all these are not real, our brain can’t differentiate whether it is real or fake. Our brain thinks that it is all real. It’ll make it happen. I had this practice six years ago. This small habit makes a big difference in my life when I practically see all these come true.

So, now I want you to close your eyes. Imagine you achieve the goals that you set for yourself, visualize how you stand, who you surrounded with, what you hear, how you feel. Yes, that’s right. Make this picture vivid, so strong that you practically see it so real in front of you.

How do you feel?...

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