How to be a Creative Genius

Feb 07, 2020


This episode is about creativity, how to be a creative genius, how to get your content creative flow? Before that, last week I share with you how to make more time to work on your goals. Not yet watched the episode, please go to watch it. It is super awesome!

Let’s dig in. Step No. 1 is surrounded yourself with some creative friends! This group of friends definitely can inspire you to get lots and lots of ideas into what you’re creating. Have some great discussions with them. They can give you some valuable feedback, insights, or even resources that can make your creative genius start working!

Step No.2: Be more observant! Look around your surroundings. Anything around you may strike some ideas to create what you want. For example Any slogans, signboards, design, color combinations, labels, etc.. When you start to open your eyes to be more observant, you begin to see endless ideas that can spark your creative genius!

Step No. 3, remember: creativity doesn’t always come unexpectedly. You can set a creative time to sit down to create something that belongs to you. I have a blocked out time. Every Sunday afternoon, from 2 pm to 4 pm, I will sit down to write something, create my blog post, or writing my email newsletter. When you start training yourself to have a block out time to create something, your creativity will flow. The more you practice, the better the flow.

Yes, this episode rounds up this new year series. Next week, we’ll look into relationship series. See you soon!

Quotes for Sharing 

Leave your comments below: Which way do you want to put into action today?