You need the Decision and Flywheel Effect to make it happen

Jul 31, 2020


In this make it happen series, I want to share with you again how you can make your goals come true. The last episode I shared the 3 steps how you start from having the mindset of you can figure it out, schedule it and better strategize.

Still, you may ask this: I still can’t take action to make myself move. Let’s me share with you about how important is the decision towards your action. Your decision precedes your action. Without a firm decision, you’ll still make a lot of excuses to delay it again and again. When you decide, that’s it!, that’s over, I have enough of all this, you decide you no longer want to tolerate the pain or suffer that you experience. The moment of decision, your destiny is shaped. This is one of the very important lessons I learned from Tony Robbins.


Let’s make a decision today, commit to yourself that you will make your goals come true no matter what happens. You decide to take massive action towards your goals. No matter your goals is to stay healthy, to achieve your target, to improve your relationship or etc… You immediate take action towards your goals.


Your action creates momentum. Now I want you to imagine there is a huge, heavy flywheel in front of you. Your task is to get the flywheel rotating as fast and as long as possible. You push with great effort, you get the flywheel to inch forward, moving almost super slow at first. You keep pushing and after 2 or 3 hours of persistent effort, you get the flywheel to complete one entire turn. You keep pushing, and the flywheel begins to move a bit faster and you move it around a second rotation. You keep pushing in a consistent direction. 3 turns…4…5…10…it builds momentum…11….15….moving faster and faster…20…30…50….a hundred. The momentum of the thing kicks it and the flywheel can have almost unstoppable momentum.

That’s the power of your action. Starting from your decision to make it happen. Then taking consistent action towards your goals every single day.

Quotes for Sharing 

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