Even you’re not the fans of superhero, you know the movie “ The Avenger: The end game” is showing in the cinema soon! Before we heading to cinema to watch this epic movie, let’s us recap what we can learn from the previous movie “ The Avenger: Infinity War”.
I love this movie very much! Whether you are at the side of the avengers or the evil Thanos, both of the team know exactly what they stand for! The avengers are the team know so profoundly they want to protect the people in different planet from the Thanos! The Thanos knows he want to bring the world to balance by using his own way (destructive way). I learn this, we must know what exactly we stand for! What exactly we want to become in this life time. Have you make a serious thought about that?
Not only they know what they stand for, they fight till the last breath that they have. They do whatever it takes to protect the people around different planet, whether they know each other or not! The same thing for you, after you know what you stand for, do you get out of your comfort zone and fight for what you want? Do you willingly to settle down in what you call enough and become the person always say “I WISH”. You definitely can choose to change the “I WISH” to “I Will Make it HAPPEN”! Putting in the effort, determination and consistency to make it happen!
In this movie, the avengers works as a TEAM! They gather the power from everyone to fight for their mission! As I always said TEAM stand for Together Everyone Achieve More! We need a team to make our journey towards our dreams and goals a FUN and Inspire one! We all need an inspire team to keep us going towards our goals. Not only can keep you going, a community can hold each other accountable as well! If you love to join a community that can inspire you every day, welcome to go join my inspiration community facebook group.
Remember this scene? Gamora kiss the man she love - Star Lord. This is their last kiss both of them experience, the last sweet moment they both have before the fight with Thanos. What if the person you love, be them your parents, your kids, your spouse or significant other, the moment you have with them is the last one, how you will spend the time with them? Will you still be grumpy, depressed, frustrated, or even angry? Appreciate every moment you have with them, cherish the moment together and make it an unforgettable one!