What Can You Do to Cope with the Emergency Situations

Jul 03, 2020


Have you ever challenged by the emergency that you must attend to? These can be your obligations, responsibilities that you can’t avoid. For example, your family member falls sick, you need to give immediate attention, your superior gives you an ad hoc project, your car breaks down in the middle of the highway, you are laid off from your job. A sudden occurring situation can bring a lot of acute stress. What you can do?

In this episode, let me share with you the 3 simple steps how I cope with the stress coming from these emergency situations.

Step 1: Be calm and stay centred. Knowing that this is an emergency situation, you must calm yourself down by accepting that you must give immediate attention to this. You can use the deep breathing technique to calm yourself down. I have a better way to cope with this. Telling myself that “I can figure it out” makes me calmer and stay centred. Because I believe and trust myself can figure it out. So, next time, when you face a life challenge, tell yourself: I can figure it out. You can repeat this sentence to yourself. You will immediately feel more confident to handle the situation.

Step 2: Ask productive questions. Now, instead of dwelling down, asking “why this happened?”, you can choose to ask a better productive question: “What can I do right now to improve the situation?” “What is the next best step I can take right now to handle this situation?” Now, your brain starts searching for possible solutions to help you overcome the challenge. This is the reframing technique that serves me well when I face life challenges.

Step 3: Taking immediate action after evaluating the possible solutions. Choose the best next step you can do start doing it. Sitting there, complaining and having negative self-talk doesn’t serve you well. Stand up and start taking action. These actions create momentum. You will experience the outcome by doing it not talking it. I know you have fear and stress. Me too. Action is the antidote to fear.

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Share your thought below: What are your best ways to cope with the emergency situations?