My Getaway During My Birthday

Sep 06, 2017


We are always so busy and rushing day in and day out for our family and career. This including holding our handphone and engage with all the social media, facebook, instagram, whastapp and the list goes on… like everything is on autopilot! This is the time you have to start to be aware that you are in a danger zone. A zone that you may be too tired to handle the endless tasks given by others! Have you ever wonder where is the time for your own self?

Sometimes, we need to unplug ourselves from our normal routine daily work. To recharge our battery. Oops, I am not iron man. Have you ever experience the condition that you are so low in your battery… and your body is giving signal titititi. It’s time to charge your energy?

If you know how to fully utilized the short trip, I can guaranteed that you come back with a fully charged, energetic, motivated person to keep going on your goals and dreams!

This is what you can do! During the getaway, I did not even border to bring my handphone out from my room! I do not want any distraction from the cell phone. Is a total unpluged time from social media and all the watapps messages!

What I do? I present myself fully at the moment with the nature and the amazing person I am with! This is the time I am fully engaged with things around me… No distraction at all from the surrounding!

So, plan your getaway and charge your battery! You will be amazed how you will experience physically and mentally!

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Let's comment below, how your last getaway recharge you!