Jul 03, 2018


I have a question for you today! Can you live without connected with internet? For how long you can stay without wifi service? Look like we are inseparable with the internet connection.

I love technology! I can not imagine how my life is without my phone nowadays. But, Here is truth. While you are so busy connected with the outside world through social media, whatsapp and any other apps, do you think you deserve a 10 minutes of your day to connect to yourself?

This can make you understand yourself more and be more present and grateful in what you are doing. Here is what you can do in the morning, afternoon and at night to connect with yourself a little bit more!

Morning, when you open your eyes, no hand phone please. Never ever check your social media, facebook, instagram, whatsapp, text messages or email! Start your day with some positive self talk! Yes, talking to yourself! Tell yourself, “ I love you” That is a powerful words! The next powerful words is Thank you. Thank you that you have my healthy body to experience a wonderful day today! Remember, the universe will respond in the way you want it. Be careful on how you select your words!

Afternoon – While busy with your works, answering call, back to back meeting, unfinished write up, each of the two hours spend at least 1 minutes to intentionally stop what you are doing and bring your conscious mind to your surrounding. Be mindful at the present moment. Observe your surroundings! See what you see, hear what you hear and feel what you feel. Your alertness and freshness will straightaway increase at least 20% to continue with your battle!

At night,  Half an hour before your sleep, stop yourself using your electronic device which include your laptop and your phone. Reconnect with your own by reflecting what happen today. What have you achieve? What you did today that move your dreams a little bit closer to you? What you need to improve with what happen today? What you can do better tomorrow?

Keep this 3 steps in your daily practice and you will find yourself  live a happier and vibrant life!


Leave your comments below: What you do to have a happy day?