Feb 14, 2019


“I feel my relationship with him like no more spark?” “How to reignite my relationship with him”? “How to revive the boring daily life with him?”

If these are the questions you are asking. May be you can consider these 3 simple easy tips to reignite your relationship with him! I’ve an awesome boyfriend. We cherish our relationship every day and every moment! When both of us spending time together, one very important thing that we practice is no hand phone surrounding us. We will never let the hand phone become the 3rd party between us. So, when you spend time with your loved one, practice this as well. Stay away from your hand phone, you can silent it or buried it some where else.

Because when you spend time together, is spending quality time to know each other, to communicate, to understand, to discuss, to connect with each other. When you have the phone with you, practically it is a super big distraction! A ping from your phone, will enough distract your attention to focus in the conversation. That’s why you need to stay away from the phone!

Second, do something spontaneously together! For example, take a spontaneous drive. A change of pace and scenery is good for you both. Plus you will never know who you will meet and what experience you will have together!  Adventure together! Yes, you may have kids to take care, you can arrange someone to help to take care of them! Take a wild ride, break your normal daily routine and live a little! Go for a place that you both plan so long already, or just a spontaneous outing! Because you will get boring with your every day, day in and day out, busy with your family, career. Is time to do something for your own relationship! When your relationship is not growing, it is dying! Doing something spontaneously together with your loved one definitely can reignite your relationship and spark again!

Third, Say “I love you” with you really mean it. When your loved one hear this, he can really feel it what you say because you really mean it. Just don’t say for the sake of saying it. Remember, when you say it, look him at his eyes, give a lovely genuine eye contact hold it there for extra 2 more second. Really feel and connect your presence there, right there. Here is the reason why, because when you give undivided attention to him, he knows you are there, right there. Not with your hand phone, not with your work, just you and him.

Quotes for Sharing 

Leave your thought below, what are the ways you practice to keep up your spark with your loved one?