If you think resting is a waste of time, you must watch this

Aug 14, 2020


Recently, someone asked me: What to do when she feels tired and burned out? My answer to her is: When you feel tired, rest. Sometimes the most productive things you can do is rest. When you’re constantly stressed out and burned out, you can’t perform at your best for your family, your career and your relationship.

Constantly stretching yourself to the maximum doesn’t bring any good to your well being. This is insane. This will only cause you to go into the spiral of negativity and suffer. Look, you want a rest, you need a rest and you deserve a rest. It’s never a wasting of time when you rest. I made a mistake last time thinking resting is a waste of time. I learned that resting is the most productive thing I can do for myself.

Because after the rest, you come back with a refresh and recharge mind and body. You can think better, solve the challenge better and way more productive. You definitely feel much better as well. You must feel your day. So many people fall into the trap of constantly working day in and day out to make a living, care of family members. It's very easily we forget to take care of ourselves and totally forget to feel how excited, how to enjoy every moment and create joy and happiness with their loved one.

If you think taking a rest is ridiculous to you, it doesn’t have to sound like it. You can literally take a few hours, like a night to rest without any distractions. Arrange it and schedule it. You may say said is easier than done. Of course. That’s why you must plan it and schedule it and arrange for the rest to happen. Remember, what gets the schedule, gets done.

Every month I schedule 2 full days of rest for myself to recharge and reconnect with myself. I know I need it. If you constantly feel tired, do this. I promise you, you will come much more recharge than you think.

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