Oct 09, 2018


How many times you yourself said this or heard someone tell you in a day? “I do not have time! I am busy!”? When you said this “ I am busy” You are telling others that you are out of control. You are showing your weakness of putting things under control. Busy equals to out of control!

In fact, everyone of us have the same amount of time each day. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. With such a fair amount of time everyone has. So, what makes the different between those that do the most productive thing possible at the every given moments compare with those that just struggling to finish the tasks given?

Here you go! The main strategy for the productive person is staying away from all the distractions. These distractions we can categorized into 3 main categories. First category, technology. Practically is your hand phone. When you hold onto your hand phone, literally you can access to tons and tons of information and at the same time interaction with the whole world through your facebook, instagram, whatapps, we chat, and emails. Second category is people. Potential distraction from the people, when others come to see you, call you, chat with you while you are doing your work! Third category, entertainment, yes-- movie, episode after episode drama, games and so many more. All these distraction slowly and secretively stealing away your attention on the thing that you are doing!

What you can do? Stay away from all these distractions by focusing to the only and only one thing in front of you until you finish it. Paying undivided attention to it! You need to have laser focus, full force to get the things done! Where your focus goes, your energy flows… No distractions please. Intentionally temporary cut off your connection with your hand phone! If you can, buried your hand phone some where else or put in silent mode while you focus on your work! The speed is incredibility fast and shockingly you can complete the task in much lesser amount of time! That is unbelievable until you try it out!

So, next time, you will definitely not going to say “I am busy”! Because you are in control. You can control your time, your focus, your attention and your life! Next time, if you are really having too many task at your hand, said this “ I have a lot of things to settle one by one” instead of saying “I am busy”! You will start to experience the whole new way to live your life!


Leave your comments below: What is the No. 1 thing you will do to stay focus?