Apr 17, 2018


Have you ever experienced a time when you have poor quality of sleep? How do you feel? Do you feel you become less patience, get angry easily and lack of focus in your work? I experienced this before! It really kills my productivity!

Because of that, I go to discover myself what are the most effective ways to get back my good night sleep! Here are some of the tips works for me!

One hour before your sleep, tune down your exposure to the blue light! The blue light emitted by our electronics such as our hand phone, computers, laptop, television is especially distortive. This blue light can suppress melatonin our sleep inducing hormone, twice as much as other wavelength of light. So, if you have the habit of scrolling your Facebook or whatsapp, please let go of your phone. Stay away from your laptops and television as well. What you can do? Reading, yes! Reading physical book! Reading books in my bed really help me to have a good sleep! Do not believe me? Try yourself!

10-20 minutes before your sleep go get some relaxation music at your background and calm yourself down. You need to tell your brain that you are winding down your day and prepare to sleep. Is normal that our brain is still so active and think of many many problems or challenges that we faced at the day time. By listening to the relaxation music, you make yourself physically and mentally calm. Is time to go to the last step.

Let’s end the day with the blessing and give a moment of gratitude to all the beauty and wonder in your life. Feeling grateful with the people and relationship in your life and precious moment you experience today. Everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they have and that include you. Our gratitude is the best way we can blessed our precious life. And silently saying two powerful words.. Thank you.

Remember, a good night sleep is the key to your healthy, happy and productive life! Go to try the above suggestions! You will see the difference very soon!



Leave your comments below: Which one is effective for you after you try it up?