Imagine that you are the CEO of your own company, now you want to hire a few position to further growing your company. What is the No. 1 skill that the potential employee that you want to hire must possess?
I start to discuss about this because more and more people asking me to share about my thought about the skills necessary in the working environment. I did a lot of research and interviewed my friends who are the person in charge of the hiring process. The No. 1 skill that employer are looking for is the problem solving skill other than the attitude of the potential employee.
You definitely want someone to help you to solve the problem or challenges in your company, isn’t it? That is the reason why you need someone to be there to do the job.
Now, if the table is turning around, you are the employee. Now, is time to ask, do I have this skill that can bring me to the position that I want? If yes, Congrats. Keep it up! If no, what can you do?
A lot of people especially fresh graduate ask me, why I can not get a job that I want? They become so frustrated and disappointed. I ask them these 2 questions: What is so special about you that they must hire you? What skills you have to contribute to the company?
Here you go. If you able to answer these 2 questions, you are portraying yourself as someone that able to use your skills to help the company to grow! That is what exactly employers are looking for!
Before you able to become someone so skillful to get the job that you want so much, what can you do? Keep learning! Skillful people never stop learning! Remember, the day you stop improving, you start falling behind.Because others are keep heading forward, you still staying stagnant, then you are falling behind!