Do This Before Your Start Your Year 2020

Dec 26, 2019


This week is the last week of 2019. After doing some R&R last week, let’s go on setting your new year resolution! If you don’t know what I’m talking about R&R that you must do before setting your new year resolution, go to the link below and check it out. I promise you that R& R will save your life.

We are about to enter the epic 2020. New year, new resolution. If you still have some goals that you haven’t achieve last year, let me help you up this year.

First, have a vision. I want to you close your eyes and visualize: What do you see, hear and feel your year 2020. Practically can see, hear, and feel all these come true in your life! Yes! Imagine that you’re in your good health, feeling your body is so energetic and waking up with a great relationship with your family. You are performing well and get promoted in the position that you long dreaming of, your income is increasing, and you’re able to contribute to your family and society, you volunteer yourself in the local community services. Yea, that’s right. You can see, hear, and feel all this happen right in front of you!

With all this imagination in your head, now I want you to transfer this to a paper for the domains that I’m going to share with you soon. There are 10 Domains in your life that you must take care of.  

 10 Domains of Your Life 

  • Physical (Body health, energy, vitality)
  • Family (Relationship with your family)
  • Career (Career performance)
  • Relationship (Connection with your loved one)
  • Social (Connection with your friends)
  • Financial (Money management)
  • Emotional (Emotion)
  • Intellectual (Knowledge and skills)
  • Personal (Hobbies, holidays, volunteers events)
  • Spiritual (Connection with your religion)

Write them down. Go specific. For example: If you want to lose weight, don’t just write, I want to lose weight and be slim. Write down I want to lose 7 kg by the end of 31st December 2020, and I can see myself slim, healthy, and full of positive energy. This is more compelling for you to take action toward it. Your goal must be realistic, as well! If you set the goals that are way too impossible to achieve it, you’ll start to be very disappointed with that! Losing 7kg in a year is realistic; losing 7 kg in 1 month is unrealistic and unhealthy too!

You must have a crystal clear on what you want to achieve. The more clarity you have, the easier it will be to move forward. Know exactly what you are going for, and you’ll get there faster!

Next, is you must know the BIG WHY? Why you want to do this?? Your BIG WHY will serve as the fire to boost you when you’ re struggling with your goal. At the moment when you lose hope, when the time you want to give up, your BIG WHY will be the one made to try another time and another time and another till you succeed! It can be someone you love, someone you want to fight for, for example, your family, your kids, or your loved one.

Let’s say bye-bye to 2019. Whether it is a fantastic year or bad year for you, here it comes to an end. See you next year!

Quote for Sharing 

Share your thought below: How you want your year 2020 to be?