December Gift to Yourself

Dec 21, 2018


Is end of December! Yea, is holiday season. Christmas and new year coming soon! Your calender must be filling up with parties and celebration! Whether is to celebrate the holiday season or celebrate your accomplishment for the year. What is the best gift you want to give to yourself?

Here is what I love to do.. may be you can try it up!

Unplug yourself from digital world for a few days! We live in the internet world. Every single day we are connected to the internet for our facebook, instagram, emails and all type of apps.

Is time to disconnect yourself from distractions from other people agenda and other people’s social media posting! Every day, you may received hundreds of email from every body, seeing hundreds of instagram or facebook post. Now, give yourself a break. You just need a soul battery recharge time. Just unplug yourself from the digital world for a short time can really recharge and refresh your mind for your work.

Go out to take a walk in the nature, visit a new place, spending quality time with your loved one. The nature, the new discover places have just as much to teach you as the internet.

This is the best way to get the balance between the natural and your daily life. When you comes back from the unplug, you’ll look so refresh and energetic! You deserve to look great and feel good as this year comes to an end. So, give yourself this gift. You definitely will not regret for that!


Leave your comment below: What is the gift you give to yourself before 2019?