Have you ever realized what you actually do every single day is your habit? The automatic reaction you give to the world when you are in the situation! For example, when you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you going to do? Is it brushing your teeth or making up your bed? It is your habit! We do it even before we realized it.
I encounter a lot of questions from you all asking me: Joyce, yes, you talk about morning routine, you talk about positive habits, but changing my habits is hard for me!
Yes, you are not alone! A lot of people facing what I called the habit loop! To break the habit loop, the most effective way is to Interrupt the loop! Whatever habit that comes up to you, do something ridiculously funny and different from the pattern to break it from your normal reaction! For example: You always become so bad temper under certain circumstances, which is a bad habit, when you start realize that you are in the habit loop again, my suggestion is to shake your ass! It is the way can break the loop pattern and bring you out of the normal cycle! You no longer angry and scolding people, instead you may even laugh at the situation! Try it out!
Is that hard? Change can be so instantly fast! If the change matter to you, you will have the heart, the desire, the determination, the fire to make the change! When change become possible, you life change at the moment!