A Holistic Plan to Succeed Your 2019

Dec 30, 2018


Have you set your goals that helps you succeed in all domains of your life? As a lot of us may identify ourselves through our career, sometimes we associate so much with what we can contribute in the work place and often forgot about this. We need a holistic plan to enjoy our life!

That’s the reason why you got to design your 2019! There are areas that you need to map out and have a plan to make your 2019 best year ever! These include the area in your health, emotional, intellectual, career, family, social, financial and relationship. Too many of us miss out the importance of the overall areas of our life and always feeling unfulfilled because you only achieve one domain of your life!

The lack of clarity become the No. 1 reason why most people can not achieve their goals. Remember, clarity is power! You need to know exactly what you want to achieve in order to get it. For example: You want to lose weight.  Not writing down, I want to lose weight. You got to be specific. Writing down your goals, I want to lose 5kg by 31st of December 2019 from my weight of 70kg now. Your brain will start to find the ways to lose the extra pounds from your body because you know exactly how many kg you need to lose with a specific time frame. And your goals is relevant!

Make sure your goals is relevant because statistic shown that too many people just give up their goals because the goals is unachievable. Is way too impossible to achieve that. So, be realistic.

Write your goals down. Not just think in your mind. Use traditional paper and pen. This 2 things really helps me a lot. I design a 10 days challenge on how to start your year with a bang! In this 10 days, I’ll go live to share with you must do to make your 2019 best year ever! Let’s us start the year strong! Go to the link below to register yourself in this challenge! Starting from 1st Jan 2019, I’ll send you email and go live to share with you the strategies you must use to start your year with a bang! See you next year!


Take Massive Action towards the goals that you set for yourself!