3x Your Productivity By These 3 Steps

Mar 20, 2020


In the last episode, I shared with you how to protect your time so that you can use the time to work on your goals. This episode, I’m going to share with you the 3 steps to increase your productivity by 2 times.

First, you must figure out your 2 peak hours. What is this peak hour that I refer to here? It’s the time that you are highly engaged, and you can give laser focus to work on your important goals. The time that you can produce fast results. You can finish your task in half of the time. Know your peak hours. Some of us are morning people, some of us are night owls. You must understand yourself and find your own peak hours. For me, I’ll take some time to rest or schedule less strategic tasks during the hours when I’m not as engaging.

Then the second step is to pick on the one important task that you want to nail it to do it. If your goals are big megaprojects, break it down into small actionable tasks that you can complete within the 2 peak hours. Take a short 5 minutes to break after 50 minutes full focus on your work. Spend 5 minutes to see, hear, and feel your environment to refresh your mind and relax before you get back to your work. This can help you to be more focused and speed up to complete the tasks.

The third step is to go to celebrate! Oh ya, when you successfully complete your task, celebrate. I mean, you can use whatever way to celebrate. Go out to your favorite cafe, have a short outing, watch a short movie clip, or anything that you can make yourself happy and enjoy. Because the celebration can encourage you to move forward next time and make it better and better, this is a powerful message you plant in your subconscious mind. Your brain will work side by side with you to make more miracles!

Here you go—3 simple steps to be productive. Figure out your 2 peak hours, pick one important task to do it, and then go celebrate!

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Share your thought below: How do you improve your productivity?