Happy Valentine’s Day! For those are in relationship, wish you all have a great time together! Will you only show your love to your husband or wife or you are not yet married, your boyfriend or girlfriend only when it comes to Valentine’s day? Hopefully not!
Today let me show you some secrets to reignite your relationship! First, say I love you in the way that you really mean it! Do not just say I love you just because of Valentine’s day! Make it a habit to say I love you every day! You will experience the power of love! The love that makes your heart feels warm like butter in the oven and sense of authentic connection with another human being, and unconditional loving care. Go and experience yourself!
Second, the best gift you can give to him/her is your time spending with each other! Not the expensive present or luxury dinner! Well, you can have all this. But, why not spend the time to experience something new something fun together! Time is the most expensive thing in the world that you will never ever get it back! You definitely want to have fantastic and romantic time with each other! Use this time to know and understand each other more!
Last one, you going to love it! Is I Before You! When both of you are in different opinion or argument, you could say, “You are not listening to me”. Or you could say “ I am not communicating in a way that is working right now.” This point to something is happening now rather than blaming him/her! Is the way how we communicate with each other that makes the relationship healthy and romantic!
Go and experience your day just like the first few months when you are in love with. Makes your everyday your Valentine’s day!