3 M methods to become Energy Generator

May 31, 2017



In order to become a “energy generator”, we have to generate energy daily especially in the morning! Here are 3 M towards positive energy generation every single morning:

1)The first M is Meditation : A 10 -15 minutes of meditation is great to help the mind to calm down and focus to the daily attention. There are a lot of meditation techniques in this modern era. If you are a beginner, you need to find out which meditation techniques suit you. There are guided meditation, relaxation music, sound of nature and ext technique..You definitely can google or youtube the ways….

2)Second M is Morning Affirmation : Positive self talk in the morning is important to make sure we own the morning and the rest of the day. The sentences we say it in presence sense, for example: I am focus, I am creative and I am concentrate on my work! I am healthy, happy and grateful. Say it out loud, let yourself hear it, this can strengthen the link between your conscious and subconscious mind. Try it up, you will be amazed how well it works day after day!

3)Third M is Motion : At the morning, remember to wake your body up by doing some stretching and exercise to make sure your body to charge up and wake up our lymphatic system. There is a lot of stretching technique available too. I personally love to do one minutes of simple stretching on my arm and hand to wake up my lymphatic system and follow my 20-30 minutes of exercise. When you wake up, your body might not realize they need to wake up… is your responsibility to wake up your body’s lymphatic system, telling it, is time to wake up! I tested myself, after I did this simple streching, my immune system improve drastically! I become very much healthy and less infected by virus or bacteria.

These 3 M method (meditation, morning affirmation and motion) can definitely help you generate positive energy to jumpstart your day! Our body itself will not have enough energy if you do not generate it !

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