Sep 18, 2018


An audience asked me recently what great books I recommend for her to read? Well, I asked her what types of books you want to read about? She answered Personal development book!

Here are the 3 Great Book that I recommend to her! May be you can read up as well!

Classic book! By Stephen Covey: The 7 habits of Highly effective people and the 8th habit from effectiveness to greatness!

At the 7 habits of highly effective people, I read this book cover from cover 3 times. I will reread this book as well, because it is a great great book!

Habit 1: Be proactivE

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

Habit 3: Put first things first

Habit 4: Think Win/win

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Habit 6: Synergize

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Inside the book, there are powerful lessons that will definitely change your life! Different time of my life, when I read this book, different things hit me the most! 10 years ago, the first time I read this book, the habit No. 1 and Habit No.3 really change my view on doing my things! I really put into practice and really transform me in the area of productivity!

3 years ago, I read this book again. Habit No. 4 really hit me like a laser straight to my heart. Because there is so many times that I do not really understand others then I start to respond… This book teach me how to see first to understand, then to be understood.

The 8th habit from this book: Inspire others to find their voice really leads me to do what I am doing now. Inspire others to find their path in the life!

Another great book I want to recommend, is this: The 5 secrets you must discover before you die by John Izzo. If you want to live your life to the fullest, this book is a MUST read!

The secret No 1: Be true to yourself

The Secret No. 2 : Leave no regret

Secret No. 3: Become love

Secret No. 4: Live the moment

Secret No. 5: Give more than you take

Go and find these 3 books to read! They will change your life!

Quotes for Sharing 

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